Wednesday, 5 January 2011

R.I.P. Gerry Rafferty

Last night I heard the sad news that Gerry Rafferty died at the age of 63. With his decease the world loses a very skillful songwriter with a distinctive slightly hoarse voice which I always easlily recognize during his Stealers Wheel time, but also in his solo work.

I don't like talking about my all time top 10, 25, 100 etc.. music albums, because these list are always under influence of time, my state of mind, and feelings of strong or less stronger nostalgia. These lists change all the time, but Gerry Rafferty's solo album City to City probably would be in my top 10 or 25 music albums. Music wise and production wise I think it's an excellent album.

For the backgroundinformation you can read his Wikipedia page. I think it's better to let the music speak for itself. I leave you with a selection of my favourite Stealers Wheel- and solo Gerry Rafferty-songs. 


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